About Daniel

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An inspiring success story. Daniel Weinstock has made it his mission to help over a million people live happier lives. Be one of them.
Daniels Mission
Despite numerous methods and much experimentation, Daniel was still not satisfied with the effectiveness of the methods prevalent in the market. He thought, "There must be a better way." That's why he developed his own method, based on the latest research in neuroscience and quantum physics.
After eight years of development and long-term testing, he successfully brought the Instant Change Method to the market in 2019. This method leads to rapid change and emotional peak states – in no time! Instant Change Methode 2019 mit überwältigendem Erfolg auf den Markt. Diese führt zu schneller Veränderung und emotionalen Spitzenzuständen – in kürzester Zeit!
The secret of its effectiveness lies mainly in the fact that the method works holistically, addressing all 3 areas of the human system (brain, aura, and body cells), and it doesn't just address the blockage itself but also resolves the emotion behind it. Thus, it can be released without needing to be localized beforehand.
His goal: With Instant Change, he aims to help millions of people live better lives.