Daniel Weinstock

Who is Daniel Weinstock?

Daniel Weinstock gehört zu den erfolgreichsten Trainern im Bereich Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in Europa.
Die Weinstock University hat er bereits im Jahr 2008 gegründet und bisher über 67.000 Teilnehmern in seinen Seminaren und Trainings geholfen, ihre Ziele schneller zu erreichen.

Anfang 2011 entwickelte er die bahnbrechende und revolutionäre „INSTANT CHANGE Methode“, um Menschen und Tieren eine schnelle und nachhaltige Transformation zu ermöglichen.

Weitere 8 Jahre Entwicklungszeit vergingen, bis er diese Transformationstechnik aus den neuesten Erkenntnissen der Neurowissenschaften und der Quantenphysik fertigstellte und zur Perfektion brachte.

Die Einzigartigkeit dieser Methode besteht in ihrer Effektivität und Schnelligkeit. INSTANT CHANGE ist so kraftvoll, weil sie negative Glaubenssätze und destruktive Verhaltensweisen in wenigen Augenblicken nachhaltig verändert.
What if this becomes the experience of your life as well?

The creator of the Instant Change Method

Over a decade of experience, honed to perfection.
Instant Change delivers on its promises.

Years of Experience

Seminar participants


"I felt an extraordinary impact and feel liberated from my old issues. I would definitely recommend the Instant Change Method."


"I can absolutely recommend [Instant Change]. It takes you to the next level in no time, and I'm incredibly grateful for it."


"I've noticed that I have a power, an energy that makes me wonder, "Wow, where did that come from?" Instant Change has triggered a lot within me. And that's something I want for my clients as well. That's why I've now signed up for the training."


"With Instant Change, you have the opportunity to dissolve whatever stands between you and your goal, forever. Quickly and sustainably."

Daniel Weinstock


Want to experience an Instant Change seminar live? Daniel offers a range of seminars – there's something for everyone. Say 'Yes' to Instant Change.


Conveniently from home or on the go – for those with limited day-to-day flexibility but a keen interest in thoroughly exploring Instant Change, Daniel's events are a perfect fit. Choose from a wide range of events – there's something for everyone.


Whether on the go, on your way to work, or in the evening on the couch – Daniel's Instant Change products are ready to use anytime.

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